Dr. Agravante Josephine is recognized for her significant research studies on postharvest horticulture with emphasis on two important crops, the mango and the banana. Her achievements resulted not only in the improvement of postharvest systems for these crops, but in the generation of basic physiological information which can be used in designing other appropriate handling technologies that can help expand markets and minimize losses.

Sex: Female


  • University of the Philippines at Los Ba?os, College, Laguna, B.S. Agriculture (Major in Horticulture), 1982
  • Kagawa University, Japan, Research Student, 1991
  • Kagawa University, Japan, Ph.D. in Postharvest Horticulture, 1991

Field of Specialiation

Agriculture, Postharvest Physiology

Sex: Female


  • De La Salle University, Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
  • De La Salle University, Master of Science in Biology
  • University of the Philippines, Bachelor of Science in Biological Science

Field of Specialization

Plant Ecology, Bioinformatics, Plant Conservation, Plant Systematics, Terrestrial Ecology, Plant Taxonomy

Dr. Nelly S. Aggangan has been a researcher of the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH), University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna, Philippines since 1980. She is Scientist 1 under the Science Career Service of the Department of Science and Technology. She holds a PhD degree in Forest Biotechnology from Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia; MS and BS degrees in Forestry from UPLB. She also had a two year Postdoctoral Fellowship at the National Institute of Forest Sciences (NIFoS, formerly Korea Forest Research Institute) in Suwon, South Korea where she developed protocol on mycorrhizal inoculation of somatic embryogenesis derived microplants. Currently, she is doing similar researches on the application of selected mycorrhizal fungi in combination with other beneficial microorganisms on micro and macropropagated plants (fruit crops and reforestation species) and on raised seedlings. Dr. Aggangan’s research activities address ecosystem renewal and sustainable productivity through the development and commercialization of various microbial-based (bio)fertilizers and related studies. She worked mainly on producing and commercializing mycorrhizal fungi that are effective in promoting plant growth, survival and yield of high value crops and forest tree species. She has isolated and produced mycorrhizal fungi that are tolerant to different environmental stresses and as biocontrol to root pathogens such as nematodes and Fusarium wilt causing organisms. She also developed a new, easier, cheap and more efficient production protocol, light weight and soilless carrier for both local and international use.

Sex: Female


  • Murdoch University, Perth Western, Australia, Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Pathology, 1996

Field of Specialization

Agriculture, Forestry, Plant Nutrition, Bioremediation, Forest Biotechnology, Mycorrhiza Technology for Agriculture and Forestry, Phytoremediation

Sex: Male


  • Iowa State University, USA, M. S. A. E, 1931
  • University of California, USA, B.S. A. E., 1929

Field of Specialization

Agricultural Engineering

Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, B.S. Agriculture, March 1937

Field fo Specialization

Poultry Science